Are We Living In a Space Opera Universe?

We humans are always excited to learn about planets, galaxies, stars, asteroids, and what’s there deep in space. This urge for exploration has led us to execute many successful space missions. These all have become possible due to technical advancements but the people had already imagined some stories and concepts set in space and those narratives are space operas.

Let's look into our space opera universe which is made up of trillions of superclusters in which there is a tiny cluster called VIRGO supercluster, and a supercluster is made up of trillions of clusters among which there is a small cluster called  VIRGO cluster, a cluster is made up of several galaxies in which there is a galaxy called MILKY WAY, a galaxy is made up of several solar systems of which there is our solar system which has eight planets and a star called the sun, amongst these eight planets there our planet called EARTH where we are living. Millions of years ago, our universe took birth. From birth to now, it has been expanding at a very rapid rate. Do you know, the universe explored by us to date comprises about two trillion galaxies! Still, the exact size of the universe is not known to us.

Space opera is a  hypothetical science narrative that focuses on space wars, interplanetary battles, and intergalactic travel stories. They are set in outer space or mainly feature opposing teams with some supernatural powers and advanced weapons. Though the word opera sounds musical, space operas have not that much to do with music except the except exciting background scores. Reading all this, Star Wars might have come into your mind. Well, that's a very good example to define how a space opera universe would look like.


On earth, each country tries to dominate the other by showing their power be it military might or economical superiority. Everyone tries to be at the top in terms of development, technological and scientific advancements, production, and army power. Each country tries to show its superiority and to impose its will over others. Whenever war had held between countries, each country had tried to ruin the existence of each other. So, it can be said that the outer space war will happen for existence or to show supremacy.

That what is still happening on our earth. So, in a similar context, we can expect that even other advanced alien civilizations would start a conquest for supremacy amongst one another or they may try to conquer the planet for their resources as the kings used to do in ancient times. So a battle at this scale has the potential to wipe out the whole planet.

Though we don't know how advanced and powerful they can be, we are in search of them. What might happen if they are more supreme and advance to us in terms of technology and power? There might be chances of our lives being endangered. Alien can capture our earth and loot all the resources. Anything can happen. It can’t be said precisely, just predictions can be made. Till now, we think of ourselves to be alone in this universe. But the day, we will come to know about their existence, then our universe will definitely turn into Space Opera Universe.
Because it's unprecedented about their nature. Whether they will be friendly to us or will try to rule over us or make us extinct and collect the resources of earth? Many points arise. We may have to fight our survival. Or maybe, we may coexist peacefully and also produce cross-breed species. If the latter happens the universe will become a much better place. So by now, I hope I have given you some thoughts instead of a conclusion. I guess this might help you in deciding.


  1. Good one. Keep up the content. Give us more info. Please write about GRAPHENE also sometime. Thank you.


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