
Unicorn: May Be The Closest Black Hole To Earth.

  Monoceros Constellation. Monoceros is a faint constellation on the celestial equator. It is surrounded by Orion on the West, Gemini to the North, Canis Makor to the south, and Hydra to the east. It is generally best visible at latitudes between 75° and -90°. Alpha Monoceros which the brightest star, has a visual magnitude of 3.931. Beta Monocerotis a triple star system. What are wondering what are triple star systems? Well, the three stars form a fixed triangle, it was discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1781, calling it “one of the most beautiful sights in the heavens”. Well, apart from the stars, this constellation has many more secrets to tell! Like, it contains the famous Rosette Nebula, the Cone Nebula, two Super-Earth exoplanets, two open clusters -such as M50 and the Christmas Tree cluster (named for its resemblance to a Christmas tree) and what not! Apart from these, astronomers have found evidence for a candidate black hole that exist in this constellation.  The Mon

What Is A Black Hole?

  Timeline of Stars. Stars are massive fiery balls of burning gas but  this fierce display of burning fuels does not last forever. Eventually, a time comes when the star ends up all its fuel which powered the fusion. So the pressure due to burning of gasses also keeps decreasing as the time goes on. Then, the Gravity collapses the remaining matter together when the outward pressure of burning gasses is no more sufficient to counter balance the gravity of the star. For small stars (like our sun or the stars which don't have enough mass to undergo supernova) first bulge into a hot glowing red giant and then cools down as white dwarf where as for massive stars, what happens next is a display of extremes. First, the star explodes in a supernova, scattering most of its matter throughout the universe. This explosion is so bright that for a few days, the dying star outshines its entire galaxy. After the supernova explosion is over, the light fades and darkness returns and  the remaining m

How far have we come in generating energy from the fusion technology

  Nuclear fusion is a kind of reaction in which two or more atoms collide to form a single mass along with the creation of sub atomic particles like protons and neutrons which releases an enormous amounts of energy. Initially, fusion technology was used to create hydrogen bombs by USSR and USA. All the stars are powered by fusion only. The hydrogen is utilised as fuel , hydrogen fuses to form helium atoms and the rest of the mass is converted into energy. If the hydrogen gas is heated to very high temperatures then it is converted to plasma in which its electron and positively charge nuclie separate out from each other.  Normally ,fusion not possible as the atoms can't come enough to fuse into a single nuclei due to repulsive electrostatic force out weighs the nuclear attractive force ( this force is effective for very small distance only). So, if we can create conditions in which the nuclie come very close to other to an extent where nuclear attractive force which binds the proto

What Is LHC? Here Is Everything You Want To Know About!

 Last century, we have seen many technological advancements which has allowed human to build incredible machines and to do incredible things. These technologies had made it possible for us to go to the Moon, or to produce nuclear energy on Earth and many more insane engineering marvels. Of those insane machines, one of the most remarkable machine ever built by us is the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider is a gigantic particle accelerator built under the CERN, the largest laboratory of particle physics in the world. The LHC is 27 kilometres long ring, with such a huge circumference, it is the largest particle collider in the world.  What is a collider actually?  To dig deeper into the fundamental structure of the nature, scientists have to create a situation which are similar to that of the Big Bang. To achieve that using our current understanding, one of the ways out could be to accelerate elementary particles to extremely high speeds (almost at the speed of lig

What is Gravity?

  So what exactly is gravity? We define gravity in many ways, including stating that it's a "force" in the universe exhumed by massive objects but  Albert Einstein defined gravity as - it was a "consequence" of the bending of spacetime. I'm sure you have your own ways to describe what it is and what it isn't, but the technical definition is that it is: "a natural phenomenon by which all the matters with mass or energy including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light (it is a form of energy) are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another." To put it in your perspective, every object, even you and I, have our own personal gravity field. The problem is that while we do exert our own gravity, it pales in comparison to what the Earth's is. Thus, when two people stand next to each other, the lighter person doesn't get pulled directly into the other person, because Earth's gravity overrides that. The Earth as a whole has such a str

How Would SpaceX Land Its Starship?

  Back in 2013, SpaceX made a huge announcement that they were going to try land their Falcon 9 rocket back on Earth. To multiply the complexity of this idea manifolds, they were going to try landing it on a floating drone ship in the middle of the ocean. Strange thing like this had never been done before and at the time, it seemed like an impossible mission but if it was accomplished successfully, it would be a massive step forward for rocket reusability. Thus, SpaceX started experimenting with various test vehicles to learn how to land a rocket. Few year later after going through many failures and blasts, SpaceX finally made the impossible, possible. Five years on from that historic first landing, the iconic sight of a Falcon 9 landing has become normal as they do it on a regular basis. Gaining experience from so many launches they had done in past five years, they had perfected their design and this had helped them save 1.4 billion dollars in last five years! Every time they reuse a

Terraforming Mars, How Hard Would It Be?

 As habitants of Earth, we have become quite aware of our planet's mortality, and for the most part, we’ve accepted it. Would that mean we need to accept humanity’s mortality? Or is it even possible to live the lives of our science fiction stories and have human colonies all over the universe? A good place to start would be our small red neighbour Mars. In this read, we will explore 5 questions and its answers on Terraforming Mars, including the challenges, the ethics, and if it's even possible to do so. Why is Mars an attractive planet compare to the others? First and foremost, Mars is the ideal candidate for expanding humanity simply because it is our closest neighbour, but the planet also has some other attractive features that make it ideal. Mars is actually on the border of the extended habitable zone, which means liquid water on the surface could be supported if the atmospheric pressure could be increased. This fact makes it the most Earth-like planet within our known sol