Unicorn: May Be The Closest Black Hole To Earth.
Monoceros Constellation. Monoceros is a faint constellation on the celestial equator. It is surrounded by Orion on the West, Gemini to the North, Canis Makor to the south, and Hydra to the east. It is generally best visible at latitudes between 75° and -90°. Alpha Monoceros which the brightest star, has a visual magnitude of 3.931. Beta Monocerotis a triple star system. What are wondering what are triple star systems? Well, the three stars form a fixed triangle, it was discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1781, calling it “one of the most beautiful sights in the heavens”. Well, apart from the stars, this constellation has many more secrets to tell! Like, it contains the famous Rosette Nebula, the Cone Nebula, two Super-Earth exoplanets, two open clusters -such as M50 and the Christmas Tree cluster (named for its resemblance to a Christmas tree) and what not! Apart from these, astronomers have found evidence for a candidate black hole that exist in this constellation....